Evliya Celebi in the country Karachay-Balkar
Books written by contemporaries, passing through the century, witness time, a kind of window into that world, which has been existed for a long time. This is the "Book Travel" Turkish traveler Evliya Celebi. He was born March 25, 1611 in Istanbul. Received a good education, was Hafiz (ie, knew the Koran by heart), he studied philosophy and law, neatly cut in stone, knew music, grammar, and Greek and wrote poems. Was, as we are talking multiple personality. In the dream came to him understanding of the meaning of his own life - be a traveler, travel around and describe the many countries to create a book of travel. Gone, it seemed, all the time, his description emerge from the pages of the book. Traveler Evliya Celebi was given in her description of many lands and peoples of the Middle East, the Caucasus, the Crimea, the Volga and the Don region, the shores of the Caspian and Black Seas.
In preparing this material, I used mainly the Turkish edition of "Book Travel" (Evliya Celebi Seyahatnameleri. Istanbul. 1996. S.445-448. Evliya Celebi Seyahatnamesi. I-II. Sadelestirilen: Tevfik Temelkuran, Necati Aktas. Baskiya hazirlayan Mumin Cevin. Ucdal Nesriyat. Istanbul.1986.). I would like to stress that the Russian translation of works by the Turkish traveler some of the details and detailed descriptions of travel, representing special interest to us, unfortunately, missed.
[10 October we entered the land of Circassians 1) . Rapid pace drove eastward 4:00]. Crimean Khan Mehmed Giray and his army, along with Evliya Celebi reach Nogai settlement.[Centennial nogaets Mirza, whose name Choban, a leader of the Nogai Tatars. This tribe intermarried with the Circassian tribes Shugaki, taking their girls to marry, but they themselves did not give their girls. This Nogai tribe settled and live in Cherkezistane. They are nomadic lifestyle in the mountains and valleys, the number of about 10 thousand Yurtov.Military Nogai squad is about 10 thousand shots. All are strong and brave warriors with horses and arms. From here we headed east and drove through the mountains and valleys around 5 hours and reached the Circassian tribe Shugaki. This and more local residents called their settlement "tavern", and the Tatars their settlement was called "sends the. These residents "taverns" very naughty, but are subject to Mehmet Giray Khan. Khan presented products and expressed their respect and hospitality. Tribe Shugaki mixed with Noghais. Here came the brawl because of the fact that one of the soldiers took a Tartar without asking for one Circassian carts with fish. During this Circassians killed three Tartars. On many Circassians are evil and damned. But just as helpful and brave.]
Thus, the Crimean Khan Mehmed Giray and Evliya Celebi pass through the numerous tribes of Circassians (Circassians) and Nogai. Churchyard so does Kabardins, they come to the Circassian tribe Biberdy 2) .
[Biberdy live between the rivers Kuban and Dzhindzhik (sometimes called the river "Indzhik" - a river Zelenchuk) . In the north live Biberdov Kalmyk Tatars. Almost up to the Terek River extends land Biberdov. Biberdy consist of four gentlemen, each of whom has a hundred taverns. Two of them are subject Kabardian lord, and two Sultan Tauistana (Tauistanom "Evliya Celebi describes Balkaria and Karachay, and indicates that part Biberdov, namely 2 family, were dependent on Tauistana) . One of these gentlemen on how to live next to Kalmyks subject Kalmyk Shah Musendzhaku. Earlier this year, gives Kalmyks a bull and a lot of different gifts. Thus, saves himself from Kalmyk attack.]
[The above four master each had two thousand armed men, but since they are not Muslims, they are sometimes attacked by Sultan Dagestan. Takes them captive, as well as various supplies. They find it difficult, because their land is not rocky mountains, where they could hide. All live on the plains, wooded areas. This tribe also gave Khan gifts, and also helped his accompanying army. Next we went to the east and crossed the path 8:00. We got to the area Besh Tag (Pyatigorsk) . This area is located near the Kabardian lands. From there we drove to the east 5 hours, after passing Kabardian lands reached the river Zolka. This river flows from Mount Elbrus and flows into the Terek. Hence, for this river begin land Tauistana.] (Evliya Celebi indicates that the river was the boundary between Zolka Kabarda and Taustanom).
[Tauistan surprisingly large province. One side of the northern borders with the Moscow government. Another side to the east of the country Dagestan 3) . The third party in the south of Mount Elbrus is bordered by Svanetia.]
The father of all mountains - Mount Snow Leopard (the so-called Elbrus Evliya Celebi) .
[In Arabic it is called Ebul-Jibal (meaning father of all the mountains) . However, for the reason that around the mountain people lived, called Leopard, the Iranians called this big mountain mountain Barsov. In Greek it is called "Peter Ajahn. In the Mongolian language - "Tiltav" in the language of Qahtani - Pest and Dadyan "at Laz language -" Zehunda "language kytak" Tavban "Circassian language, Rita, in the Tatar" Chyldyr Otak, at Chagatai Mountain Miyan. Different names, and other historians, among whom the name "Kyuh-fir Bars".]
[The ancient philosophers, scholars of hadith and tafsir said: "Allah is the Creator of all worlds by his word," Kuhn "created on Earth 140 big mountains. If it were not for these mountains, the earth would constantly stagger." Of these same mountains was launched in 1963 Buzzer verse Surah of the Holy Book the Quran ... According to legend Batlamusa, Bokrata, Socrates and Pythagoras mountain leopard is one of these 140 mountains. This mountain leopard is close to the iron gate. The aforementioned travelers believe that Mount Snow Leopard is in the middle of all the other mountains, possibly in the middle of the world. Researchers say so: The Arabs called the mountain Abul-Jibal 4) . For all the mountains of China, Machin, Hyta, Hooten, Fagfur and India (Evliya Celebi lists the old country) is adjacent to this mountain ...] 5)
[In the south-east of the mountains Bars are ground Swan. In the south-west along the Black Sea are land Abazov. In the west, through the places where we were, are the land of Circassians, their neighbors and Tauistanskie Kabardin Circassians Circassians. Hence, to the west in 47 days is the Crimea. In the north of the mountain is located Bars Muscovy, whose border is Terskaya fortress].
[In short if we say around this mountain are lands 11 the sultan, so big mountain (This refers to the entire Caucasus Mountains) . Such a large hill that summer and winter peak will not see all the time covered by clouds. And even in good weather, it is not possible to see the top.Closer to the top of the trees are missing, because the big hurricanes tearing them with roots.]
[In July, the shepherds of the people Taustana out to pasture at the foot of this mountain Bars graze their flocks of sheep one hundred thousandth. This area belongs to the Sultan Taustana.Passing to the east 4 hours, and then another 9 reached the river Balik. The river originates in the mountains Bars then flows into the river Terek, and then into the Khazar Sea (Caspian Sea) ). And then we went another 5 hours to the east, and then another 7 hours and reached the village Tauilistan. Here, near the river Bahisan 6) saw the ruins of the ancient city from which preserved about 1.000 houses covered with logs, and the rest destroyed Timurlenk . If the home Circassians are covered with reeds or rushes, here at home are covered with wooden beams. In this village grow fruit trees. Tauilistan very old and well maintained city.Tauilistan is as big government, as well as Dagestan.]
[Current lords of the village, we came to call Kyuchukby Shakman Shakman Dzhauhanby and7) . The total number of military guards of the village of 12.000 Aznaur and another 2.000 squires. Basically, all adhere to the Shafi'i school of thought. For the most part are friendly with the Georgians. Traders and some other advanced residents own and the Russian language.]
Clothing residents Tauistana. [Clothing of all similar to the Iranian veil, with holes and attached to the armpits, and with high collars. At head dress white hood. On legs Iranian shoes. Head shaved, his beard trimmed.]
Women's Clothing Tauistana. [All of the women and girls wear caps of white fox skin tissue.Hair open, but does not dangle. Dress different and colorful coats that are a little tight.Dressed as the rest of the Circassian girl.]
[Beautiful boys and girls selected, unmatched people. Here, too, as in the rest of the Circassians are no markets, money, baths and gardens. In this settlement there are 2 large and 7 small mosques. Khutbah read at the beginning of the name of the sultan of Dagestan 8)(shauhala Tarkovsky Valija Dagestan) , and then his master Kyuchyuk Shakmana. But these Muslims is not enough.]
[Here the river Baksan, who comes from Georgia's Svaneti and flows into the Terek. In the Baksan a fish called argy salmon (trout) . She did not like any river fish. Spherical fish. It seems as though embellished with gold precious stones. According to your taste is similar to the English sardalyu. In the middle is a bone, like Alif, no more bones. Has a very nice kind of smell. This fish is very useful and nutritious.]
Climate Tauistana. [The climate is very mild, not at all suffering from epilepsy, leprosy and scuppers. This nation would never tolerate insults on himself. People in good health and physique. Basically, all the live 100-150 years (an exaggeration, however, Caucasian longevity is well known) .]
[From there, after resting for three days with Khan, came to the river Balik. Crossed it on horseback. This river is also born out of the snow-white mountains of Georgia and empties into the river Terek. From there we went to the South for 3 hours and reached the big city was destroyed by Timur. Here, once hid from Timur the Tatar Khan Tokhtamish . This city is inhabited by a warlike and brave people who do not obey the will of Timur. But Timur seven days had a siege of the city and as a result of taking the town, killed the sultan of Baksan. This place also belongs Tauistanu. Once seen enough of this ruined city, we are in the East were still 7 hours and reached the river Chegem, crossed it on horseback, and took another 2 hours.Then he reached the river Lachin (Ladzhek). After you have moved and the river and reached the "Yarka Kabaka. Yarka tavern also belongs to Taustanu and very improved. There were another 4 hours and reached the river Cherek (Charuk). This river, too, comes from Taustana and flows into the Terek. And it also switched horses and took another 4 hours. Next came to a big river Terek ... to the east were still 15 hours and reached the river Sunzha. Finally, our feet left the ground in Muslim Dagestan. We were met by Sultan Dagestan Sultan Mahmud Shah Shamhal ... Here in these places their city is not called a tavern, and "Kent" 9) .]
At this Evliya Celebi, together with the Crimean Khan Mehmed Giray Taustan leave and enter into Dagestan.
1) Circassians originally named only Turkic Kipchak. In the second half of the XIX Polish volunteer T. Lapinsky, who lived among the Circassians fought against Russia, stood out among them, the nobility, of which only one would be called Circassians, owing to their "Tatar" origin. Themselves Circassians Circassians themselves are not called and that their name had been mistakenly given to them by Russian and Turkish, it is usually contacted with the Tatar-born nobility.
2) Biberdy - the ancient name of the Abaza and Circassians.
3) The Chechens still call the mountainous part of their republic Degista. By Turkic "dag" - Mountain, "Stan" - the country.
4) Here Daryal pass.
5) According to ancient ideas, then uncritically borrowed from medieval Arabs Caucasus, Hindu Kush and the Himalayas were part of a single ridge on behalf of the Dept. of covering the entire globe. For this mountain for the Arab view is doomsday.
6) Baksan.
7) In the XIX century. Balkar princes of the family became known as Shakman Shahmanovymi.
8) That is in honor of shauhala Tarkovsky Valija Dagestan
9) Do Kumyks before the word "kent" would apply only to the largest villages, but over time this feature is no longer strictly necessary.
Translation of E. Celebi carried Qarachaili, he has made the inline notes. Compiled comments below tektsa - Kermen.